PhD Studies

One of the major aims of the Centre is to fulfill the need of qualified and competent PhD graduates. The Centre motivates PhD scholars from Nepal and abroad to pursue their study. As the Centre associates the strong academic background and it has close formal connections with many universities globally. The Centre is connecting scholars to recognize and renowned universities.

The Centre has created learning environment for scholars to continue their academic activities in their respective areas and meets the Universities requirements and timeline. The Centre is neither a funding nor a university branch; it rather encourages potential and existing candidates and instructs them through suitable research doctoral training programmes. The Centre provides quality support to the PhD scholars through peer and mentor support. It also supports individuals to become professionals or leaders in their respective disciplines. The Centre organizes regular session on various issues of research philosophy and methodology. It invites all experts and practitioners on research issues from Nepal or abroad to share their experiences. The Centre is dedicated to provide its scholars in various support such as organizing international exposures, field research, residential training, sessions on ICT, presentation skills etc. It follows philosophy of adult learning approach, The Centre instructs its scholars on identifying topic and developing concept and synopsis, conceptual framework, finalization of thesis etc. The Centre also provides support to publish article, book and thesis as per the requirements.